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“Plagiarism expertise” – Responsable Academia

“Plagiarism expertise”

Referent: Michelle Bergadaà

Method: 1 day of training in Geneva, analysis of remote test files, Interaction with IRAFPA experts.

Follow-up of the certification: Monitoring progress at the end of years 1 and 2. Annual anonymous document tracking shared by all certified persons. Revalidation of certification after 3 years.

Skills acquired through certification

1) Define the texts to be analyzed
The list of texts relating to reported plagiarism is not exhaustive. Once the plagiarists’ mode of operation is detected in one text, it is easily recognized in all other writings.

2) The choice of samples analyzed in a text
Reliability, validity and robustness: samples will be representative of the entire text from which they are extracted.

3) Use of detection software
They will not be able to detect all cases of plagiarism, but they will provide useful leads for expert reports.

4) The production of comparative tables
The three-column tables present excerpts from parallel texts. It will compare extracts from the plagiarized text with extracts from the source texts and comments.

5) Qualification of the operating mode
The procedures and clues relating to the intentionality of plagiarism will be qualified in one or more of the 4 types of the Institute’s taxonomy.

6) The ten consequences of plagiarism
Referring to the ten consequences identified by the Institute, the expert will draw up a list of those to which the expert’s case relates.

7) Identification of harm
Determine the formal damages: to the plagiarist’s victims, to the reader who suffers a violation of his fundamental right of access to the origin of the sources, to the organization (public image), etc.

8) Establish reparation measures
Announce the associated responsibilities in the event of deviant conduct: alleged negligence or complicity.

9) Propose remedial measures
Suggested actions will be proportionate to the facts of uncovered plagiarism, the contextual circumstances of the conduct disclosed and the fundamental principles of fairness.