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Integrity Champions – Responsable Academia

Integrity Champions

Referents: Martine Peters, Marian Popescu & Michelle Bergadaà

Method : 2 days of training in Geneva. Role-playing ; Group case studies (25 real cases) and remote case studies (Serious Games) ; Debate about the acquired knowledge and interaction . Interaction with IRAFPA experts.

Follow-up of the certification: Confidential advice at the request of certified peoples, self-training and remote validation of skills. Yearly validation of the certification each year by completion of a test case.

Skills acquired for certification

1)  Understanding changes in the work context
The law of “publish or perish”, electronic communications, Open Science, roles of scientific journals…

2)  Existing ethical guidelines in Europe
Changes (digital and globalization) have occurred rapidly and integrity guidelines are being developed. To know those already in force in Europe.

3)  Recognize the different profiles of delinquency
Fraudsters, manipulators, cheaters or “bricoleurs”: how to react to their characteristic behaviour (attack, denial, escape…).

4)  Reframing situations
Contextualize cases of plagiarism or scientific fraud involving complex conflict situations: doctoral students, professors, administrators, au- thors, co-authors, journals, etc.

5)  Mediation levers
Acquire the basic knowledge to be a mediator: legal, organizational, political…

6)  Structuring the central problem and dimension analysis
Map the core concept, dimensions and observables, then identify case priorities (importance and urgency.)

7)  Determine the consequences of the behaviour
Determine the impact of fraudulent behaviour on collateral victims: publishers, readers, colleagues, institution, etc.

8)  Identify the deep attitude of the parties
Have each party express what it wishes to become and do in order to define the framework of the mediation space.

9)  Get out of shame and accusation
Reframe the heart of the problem (plagiarism, changes in the order of authors, scientific fraud, etc.) to formulate specific requests.

10) Develop the means to solve the situation
The solution needs to be fair and balanced to be accepted and to pacify the situation (apology letter, addition of an author, withdrawal of an article…)